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Answers.Test 1.

Listening comprehension.

1. (C) The question asked was, "What does the man mean?" The correct
answer is (C)-He thinks the hat looks good on her. The woman said to the
man, "I'm not sure if I like this hat on me. Do you like it?" The man replied, "I
think it brings out the green in your eyes. Look in the mirror and see for
yourself." he meant that he thought the hat was very becoming.
2. (D) The question asked was, "What does the woman think about the
team?" The correct answer is (D)-The woman thinks the team has a very good
chance of winning. When asked if she thinks the team will win the game, she
replied, "They are only 10 points behind now. If they can keep playing this
well, they certainly will."
3. (B) The question asked was, "What does the woman mean?" The correct
answer is (B)-The man was supposed to have locked the door on his way out.
When asked if she remembers if the door was locked, the woman replied,
"Well, I didn't lock the door, You were the last one out!"
4. (D) The question asked was, "Did the woman meet the rock band?" The
correct response is (D)-Yes she did meet the band. The man asked the woman,
"Did you get to meet the rock and roll band?" The woman responded,
"Everyone except the drummer autographed my album, and the lead singer
kissed my cheek." If she had not met the band, she would not have been able
to get her album autographed.
5. (A) The question asked was, "What does the woman mean?" The correct
answer is (A)-The janitor did not clean. When asked if she thought the janitor
cleaned last night, the woman replied, "Well, there was still trash in my
wastebasket when 1 arrived this morning." The woman implied that the janitor
did not clean.
6. (B) The question asked was, "Why didn't the woman return the man's
call?" The correct answer is (B)-She was unaware of his call. The woman
implies that, had she known that he called, she would have returned his phone
7. (C) The question asked was, "What does the woman mean?" The correct
answer is (C)-Late papers will not be accepted. The man said, "Do you think
that the professor will allow me to hand it [the paper] in late?," and the woman
replied, "Dr. Hatton said that he would not accept any late papers."
8. (B) The question asked was, "What is the man thinking?" The correct
answer is (B)-The smoke could be coming from his grandmother's house.
When the woman noticed the smoke and said, "I bet there is a fire," the man
replied, "That is the direction of Grandma's house!!"
9. (C) The question asked was, "What does the woman think is wrong with
the computer?" The correct answer is (C)-She thinks one of the connections is
loose. When the man asked the woman what was wrong with his computer, the
woman replied "Have you checked all the connections in the back? Maybe one
is loose."
10. (B) The question asked was.' 'Why does the woman think the man has
moved?" The correct response is (B)-She has not seen the man as often as she
once did. woman said, "I rarely see you around here any more, I thought you
11. (B) The question asked was, "What does the woman mean?" The answer
is (B)-She cannot go because she has to write a paper. The woman clearly
states, "I would have loved to go, but I still have not finished writing my
12. (C) The question asked was, "Where did this conversation probably take
place?" The answer is (C)-In a library. The woman was looking for a book.
The man said "Maybe somebody already borrowed it. Let's check the subject
catalog." A library has catalogs and books for borrowing.
13. (D) The question asked was, "What is the woman trying to say?" The
answer is (D)-She did not take notes because she did not think anything
important was discussed. The woman said "I didn't take any.... I thought I
could find them (dates) in any history book."
14. (B) The question asked was, "What do they think of the restaurant?" The
answer is (B)-They can eat in the restaurant once every week without affecting
their budget. The man said, "We can afford to eat here once a week...." And
the woman responded "Oh yes! 1 agree one hundred percent."
15. (B) The question asked was, "What does the woman mean?" The answer
is (B)-Though she is not fully prepared, she will take the test. When the man
asked if she was prepared for the test the woman answered, "Not really.... But
1 will take the test anyway."
16. (D) The question asked was, "What will they probably do about dinner?"
The answer is (D)-They will eat the food left from last night's party. When the
woman asked if she should cook some dinner, the man answered, "I don't think
so. There is enough left over from the party last night.
17. (C) The question asked was, "What does the woman think?" The answer
is (C)-If he disagreed with the proposals, he should have expressed his views
on the spot. The man said, "...But I didn't agree with most of their proposals."
The woman's response was, "Well, why didn't you speak out at that time?" She
meant he should have expressed his views at that moment.
18. (C) The question asked was, "What does the man mean?" The answer is
(C)- Tom likes to read different books than him. The man said, "1 am not sure
he cares for type of books that we would select."
19. (B) The question asked was, "What does the woman suggest?" The
answer is (B)-The man should talk to a doctor immediately. The woman
remarked, "...You should contact a doctor right away."
20. (D) The question asked was, "Is the man willing to help?" The answer is
(D)-No. He suggests that the woman should get help from the manager. When
asked to pick up a bottle, the man answered, "I don't work here. Maybe you
can get a ladder from the manager."
21. (B) The question asked was, "What does the woman mean?" The answer
is (B) Air travel is sometimes less expensive than train travel." The woman
said, "Airfares are sometimes much cheaper than train fares."
22. (C) The question asked was, "Who fixed the toaster?" The answer is (C)-
Cathy. The woman said, "No, she had it fixed by her friend Cathy." This
means her friend Cathy fixed it for her.
23. (D) The question asked was, "What is the woman doing?" The answer is
(D)-Giving directions. The woman said, "Go straight and make a right on
Morris Street. The bank is right on the comer." It is while giving directions
one may tell people where to turn left or right and where a place is located.
24. (B) The question asked was, "What does the woman think about Mark?"
The answer is (B)-Mark is a good speaker. The woman said, "...He (Mark) had
been good at public speaking since he was young"
25. (D) The question asked was, "What is the woman's opinion?" The answer
is (D)-If the man waits, he might not get admission to Dr. Warner's course."
The woman said, "Dr. Warner does not allow more than 15 students in his
class. If you want to do it (take a course with him), you'd better make your
decision fast."
26. (D) The question asked was, "What did the man go see?" The correct
response is (D)-A movie. The woman asks, "Was it any good?" The man then
proceeds to explain how he waited in line for it. The listener can infer from the
conversation that he did go to see the movie
27. (B) The question asked was, "What did the man think of the movie?" The
correct response is (B)-He liked it a lot. He told her, "The acting was fantastic
and the plot had me on the edge of my seat." To be "on the edge of your seat"
is to be waiting with anticipation for the events that are about to occur.
28. (A) The question asked was, "How long did the man wait in line?" The
correct response is (A)-An hour. He told the woman, "I had to wait in line over
an hour to get a ticket."
29. (A) The question asked was, "How long did the people in front of him
wait in line?" The correct answer is (A)-Two hours. The people in front of him
waited on line for an hour before he arrived, and you have to add to that the
hour he waited on line before they began to sell the tickets.
30. (C) The question asked was, "When will the woman go to see the movie?"
The correct response is (C)-Saturday or Sunday. The woman told the man, "I
think I will try to go this weekend." The weekend is normally considered to be
Saturday and Sunday. The other answer choices are all weekdays.
31. (C) The question asked was, "What are these people talking about?" The
answer is (C)-University graduation. In the conversation, the woman said that
she missed her high school graduation so this was to be a big event for her.
The man said, "I am the first one in the family to graduate from a university...,"
which hints of a college graduation.
32. (B) The question asked was, "Is the woman looking forward to her
graduation?" The answer is (B)-Yes, because this is a very important occasion
in her life. When the man asked, "Aren't you excited about it?", she replied,
"Of course, I am. I couldn't attend my high school graduation, so this is a
really big event for me."
33. (C) The question asked was, "Why is the man's graduation important to
his family?" The answer is (C)-Because he is the first one in the family to get a
degree. The man said, "I am the first one in the family to graduate from a
university so they are all looking forward to it."
34. (A) The question asked was, "What state do the woman's parents live
in?" The answer is (A)-Texas. The woman said, "...They live in Texas."
35. (C) The question asked was, "When is the graduation?" The answer is
(C)-Next week. The man said, "I can't believe it is only a week from now!" The
woman asked, "What?" And he replied, "Our college graduation... "
36. (D) The question asked was, "What is the man planning to do with the
wood?" The answer is (D)-Make a fence. When the woman asked "...What is
all this wood for?." the man answered. "I am planning to make a wooden fence
for my yard."
37. (B) The question asked was, "Why does the man have an interest in
gardening?" The answer is (B)-Because he was brought up on farms. When
the woman was surprised to learn of the man's gardening experience, the
man's response was, "1 grew up on farms." What he implied was, "It is natural,
because I grew up on farms."
38. (C) The question asked was, "What is the man's father going to send?"
The answer is (C)-Seeds. In the conversation, the man mentioned that he was
going to get some seeds for vegetables from his father.
39. (A) The question asked was, "Where did this conversation probably take
place?" The answer is (A)-In the man's yard. The conversation took place in
the man's yard because the woman remarked upon the pile of wood which was
to be used to build the new fence.
40. (B) The question asked was, "Why would the woman go to Mike if John
agreed to have a garden?" The answer is (B)-To get some guidance in
gardening. Towards the end of the conversation, the woman said, ".. .and if he
agrees to have a little garden in our yard, I will come to you for gardening
tips." Tips here means guidance or suggestions and not money.
41. (C) The question asked was, "Who was the first democrat elected after
the Civil War?" The correct response is (C)-Grover Cleveland. The speaker
said, "Woodrow Wilson was only the second democrat (Grover Cleveland was
the first) elected president since the Civil War."
42. (A) The question asked was, "What did Woodrow Wilson's father
do?" The correct response is (A)-Minister. The speaker said that Wilson was
"the son of a Presbyterian minister."
43. (D) The question asked was, "Where did Woodrow Wilson earn his
doctoral degree?" The correct response is (D)-Princeton. The speaker said,
"After earning a doctorate at Johns Hopkins University, he taught history and
political science at Princeton, and in 1902 became the president of that
44. (B) The question asked was, "Which state did Woodrow Wilson
govern?" The correct response is (B)-New Jersey. The speaker says, "In 1910
he was elected governor of New Jersey as a reform or progressive Democrat."
You know that Wilson was elected president and that he would govern the
United States, but the question asks specifically for a single state.
45. (A) The question asked was, "Who was the last person before Woodrow
Wilson to personally address Congress?" The correct response is (A)-John
Adams. The speaker's final sentence is "On April 8, 1913 he became the first
president since John Adams to appear personally before Congress to promote
his program."
46. (D) The question asked was, "Why is the United States a unique
nation?" The answer is (D)-Because it accommodates thousands of
immigrants every year from all over the world. The first statement in the essay
was, "The United States is a unique nation in that it absorbs thousands of
immigrants every year...."
47. (C) The question asked was, "Which one of the following is not a reason
for immigration?" The answer is (C)-Love for nature and wildlife. This choice
was not mentioned in the essay as a reason for immigration.
48. (B) The question asked was, "From where do people emigrate to the
United States?" The answer is (B)-From all parts of the world. In the essay you
heard, ".. .People emigrate here from all parts of the world"-not from strictly
one country or continent.
49. (D) The question asked was, "To the immigrants, what does America
stand for?" The answer is (D)-Freedom and opportunity. In the essay you
heard "Still, to every immigrant, America stands for freedom and opportunity."
50. (A) The question asked was, "Is the transition easy for immigrants?" The
answer is (A)-No, they face a lot of disappointments and failures before they
are successful. In the talk you heard "...of course, most of the immigrants have
to meet with a lot of disillusionment before they are successful."

Structure and written expression.

1.` (D)` (A) is incorrect because got should be followed by` to water the lawn.`The structure
is` getting someone to do something.` (B) is incorrect, as the sentence talks about an incident
that took place in the past, when he went away for the weekend. (C) is incorrect because`
requested,` like got, has to be followed by` to do something.` (D) is the correct answer. The
structure is` have someone do something` for the person. As the sentence is in the past tense, the
verb should be` had.`
2.` (A)` (A) is the correct answer. `Not only... but also `is the structure.
They not only offered to bring food, but also drinks and games. (B) is incorrect because `many
people `is redundant and `not only `would not be necessary if the sentence is simply about what
people offered to bring. (C) is incorrect because `not only `suggests immediately that people
offered more than to bring just food for the picnic. (D) is incorrect for the same reason as (C).
3.` (C)` (A) is incorrect, as it suggests that Nunez de Balboa was discovered, rather than the
ocean. (B) is incorrect because` had` must be followed by the past participle of the verb. (C) is
the correct answer. The simple past tense must be used to describe an action that took place on a
specific date. (D) is incorrect because the verb has not been put in the right tense.
4.` (B)` (B) is the correct answer. The structure is to be` hard of hearing.` So in use, the
structure would read` He is hard of hearing, The old men are hard of hearing.` (A) is incorrect
because` has` is used with` poor vision.` (C) is incorrect because the sentence is in the present.
(D) is incorrect because` while` is used when comparing the brother's senses`While one is good,
the other is poor.`and not to suggest that both are good.
5.` (B)` (A) is incorrect because `at `suggests nearness rather than exactness with reference to
places. (B) is correct because the accepted preposition used with` farm is on.` (C) Although this
would be the obvious choice as in` live in a house, `or `live in` `New York,` it is incorrect when
used with` farm.` (D) is incorrect because it suggests confinement to a place.
6.` (A)` (A) is the correct answer. Wishes are always used with were, whether in the past or
present, e.g., `I wish I were a....` (B) is incorrect. Although this would be the obvious choice
because third person singular is used with was, the verb `wish `changes that to` were.` (C) is
incorrect because the entire sentence is in the past. (D) is incorrect because the young girl can
only wish she` could become` (the future past tense).
7.` (C)` (A) is incorrect because it contradicts the sentence. Why would they be useful if quite
a few people don't accept them? (B) is incorrect. Here it is important to pay attention to the
difference between `few `and` a few. `Few signifies a lesser number than `a few. `In this
sentence the least number is preferred. (C) is correct. Few used without an article means that
there are `very few people `who would accept the checks. (D) is incorrect for the same reason as
8.` (B)` (A) is incorrect because the verb is conjugated to the third person plural, while the
subject is in the third person singular. (B) is the correct answer. The plural noun is used to
represent the entire class of telegrams. (C) is incorrect for the same reason as (A). (D) is
incorrect because when referring to telegrams as a class, it is not required to use` the.`
9.` (D)` (A) is incorrect because the sentence is in the past as indicated by the verb `would
have.` (B) is incorrect.` Could add` means that the salt could be added later, but the sentence is
in the past. (C) is incorrect. If we` had not added` the salt, the soup would have been tastier. The
verb` don't add` is inconsistent with the sentence. (D) is correct.Since the first action should
have taken place before the second action, the tense to be used is past perfect.` If we had added
salt, the soup would have been tastier.`
10.` (D)` (A) is incorrect. The use of the present perfect in the second half of the sentence is
not consistent with the correct tense throughout. The use of the preposition to is incorrect also.
The correct structure is` make families react to something.` (B) is incorrect.` To this` is
redundant because of the presence of` which,` a relative pronoun. (C) is incorrect because of the
use of both` to which` and` which makes.` It can only be either, not both. (D) is correct. To keep
consistent with the tense throughout the sentence, it must read,` which is making families....`
11.` (B)` (A) is incorrect because` had called` suggests that the action already took place,
whereas the whole sentence is speculative,` if it had happened to me...` (B) is correct.` If I had
run out of gas, I would have called the garage` (speculation in the past). (C) is incorrect.`
Would` cannot be used with a past participle alone without the auxiliary verb. (D) is incorrect.`
Should have` can be used if the incident really happened, as in` when I ran out of gas, I should
have called the garage.`
12.` (A)` (A) is correct. One can be angry` with` a person and angry` at` a situation or thing.
(B) is incorrect. Although it is an accepted colloquially, it is incorrect to say that .a person was`
angry at someone.` (C) is incorrect. On is not an accepted preposition to be used with` angry.`
(D) is incorrect.` About` is also an unacceptable preposition with` angry.`
13.` (B)` (A) is incorrect because of the presence of `better. `It is, however, correct to say `you
should study, if... `(B) is the correct answer. `Had better study `is a structure used to warn or to
make a strong suggestion, e.g., `you had better take an umbrella today, it looks like rain. ` (C) is
incorrect, because of the presence of `better`. `Will` also does not have that element of warning
or precaution. (D) is incorrect because of `better` in the middle of the verb. `You must study a
lot` is correct by itself.
14.` (B)` (A) is incorrect because a negative question always has a positive tag question. (B) is
the correct answer. The negative question has a positive tag, e.g., They are not coming today,`
are they?` (C) is incorrect. It is important to watch for the main verb in the question, when
adding a tag, as it is easy to make a mistake and add` isn't it?` (D) is incorrect because the
auxiliary verb in the question is` won't.`
15.` (D)` (A) is incorrect because the clause` Eli Whitney came up with a` `new idea, ` does
not have a relative pronoun which makes the sentence complete. (B) is incorrect because the act
of making guns should be described in the past continuous tense rather than the past perfect.
The sentence would then read.` In 1798, when Eli Whitney came up with a new idea, guns were
being made by skilled gunsmiths one at a time.` (C) is incorrect because there is no conjunction
between the first and second parts of the sentence. (D) is the correct answer. Until such time
when Eli Whitney came up with a new idea, guns had been made by gunsmiths.
16.` (D)` (D) is incorrect.` Which` is unnecessary because of the use of` that` earlier in the
17.` (C)` (C) is incorrect. `Anyone `is used with the third person singular form of the verb.
Therefore, it would be correct to say` Anyone runs the risk....`
18.` (D)` (D) is incorrect. The adjectives in most cases precede the noun therefore, it should
read,` ...since the oceans first formed.`
19.` (B)` (B) is incorrect. Crime is an uncountable noun. The sentence should read `.victims of
certain types of crime.`
20.` (A)` (A) is incorrect. Although there are two adjectives, the first one should carry the
article` an.`
21.` (D)` (D) is incorrect. It is an error in number. `Their methods...spring `is correct.
22.` (A)` (A) is incorrect. The structure is` attending to` a person's needs, a person's problem,
etc. The correct sentence would read,` The professor managed to attend to the needs of his
23.` (B)` (B) is incorrect.` Having fallen` should be the correct tense of the verb. The sentence
describes an action that took place in the past, but is being talked about in the present.
24.` (D)` (D) is incorrect. The definite article` the` should be placed before the specific day.
25.` (A)` (A) is incorrect.` And` should be replaced by` of.`
26.` (B)` (B) is incorrect. It is an example of a compound noun, where the noun is always in
the singular.` `It should read a` 20-story building;` other examples: a four-door car, a three-room
27.` (B)` (B) is incorrect. The main verb is `order `and it should be in the infinitive, to order,
when preceded by` a good place.`
28.` (D)` (D) is incorrect. Since there is no repetition of` people,` the definite article should be
used with` rich.` It should read` give to all the poor.`
29.` (C)` (C) is incorrect.` Lack of education` is singular and should be followed by` is
30.` (A)` (A) is incorrect. The preposition of should follow` in the event,` when followed by
the verb in the -ing form. Otherwise, it would have been correct to read it as` in the event
something happens to....`
31.` (D)` (D) is incorrect. The past participle of the main verb should be used:` plunged, `as
the sentence is in the passive voice.
32.` (B)` (B) is incorrect. This sentence requires a detailed look:` who` refers to the daughter
that Frank and Anna had, and so the verb should be `was.`
33.` (A)` (A) is incorrect, it is a case of reversal of the relative pronoun and the preposition.
Americans tend to embody something what to many appears to be a curious `combination...`
34.` (B)` (B) is incorrect.` Later` has been wrongly used instead of the correct adverb of time,`
35.` (A)` (A) is incorrect. When there is no clear indication of how many thousand years ago,
it is correct to say` thousands of years ago,` in general.
36.` (C)` (C) is incorrect. The singular` phenomenon` should be used to describe the singular
noun` hunger.`
37.` (B)` (B) is incorrect because` and` is unnecessary. If the adjectival clause,` the prominent
Australian filmmaker and screenplay writer,` were removed, the sentence should read` Peter
Wier was planning to visit the` `U.S. to make a film.` In such a case, `and` is simply redundant.
38.` (D)` (D) is incorrect. The plural reflexive pronoun is` themselves.`
39.` (D)` (D) is incorrect.` Donors` at the end of the sentence is redundant. In such a case, the
rule of ellipsis enables us to drop repeated information.` Largest donor` suggests that he donated
the maximum amount of money among donors, so it is unnecessary to repeat` donors.`
40.` (B)` (B) is incorrect.` `The subject is the `survial instinct, `not `cockroaches, `so the verb
should be` is.

Reading comprehension and vocabulary.

1. (C) The answer to this question is found in the sentence, "Enveloped by
an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the planet is the
only one in our solar system known to harbor life." Seventy-eight percent is
approximately equivalent to three- fourths. The other answer choices do not
convey the correct percentage.
2. (C) In order to answer this question, you must know that a nickel-iron
core is a metal core. The answer comes from the first sentence of the second
paragraph "Its rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive
magnetic field which, coupled with its atmosphere, shields us from nearly all
the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars." Choice (B)
nitrogen atmosphere-mentioned in the same sentence, but it is not a reference
to the magnetic field. Choices (A) and (D) are also not part of the magnetic
3. (A) The answer to this question appears in the same sentence as the
previous question. It is the "magnetic field, coupled with the atmosphere," that
protects the Earth from radiation. Choice (B) "Rapid spin and molten nickel-
iron core" contribute to the magnetic field and therefore indirectly protect the
Earth from radiation, but this is not the best choice from the answers given.
Choices (C) and (D) are simply wrong.
4. (B) The best choice for the meaning of "consisting" is "containing." The
air contains nitrogen and oxygen. It does not (A) harden, (C) withhold, or (D)
shorten the oxygen and nitrogen.
5. (D) The last sentence of the second paragraph holds the answer to this
question. "The planet's active geological processes have left almost no
evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it was
formed." In this case "left almost no evidence" is synonymous with "has
eliminated most traces." Also in this question, "processes" is equivalent to
"activity." The other choices are not mentioned in the passage.
6. (A) In the first paragraph there is the statement, "the planet is the only
one in our solar system known to harbor life." Coupled with the statement in
the second paragraph that Earth is shielded from radiation rays, they show why
life is possible on Earth. Although Earth's moon (D) is mentioned, the passage
says nothing about the existence of moons near other planets. There are no
facts given to support choices (B) or (C).
7. (D) Basic knowledge enables the reader to know that not all planets are
covered with blue oceans. This characteristic is unique to the Earth, making
(D) "characteristics that set it apart from other planets" the correct answer.
8. (C) Since paragraph three discusses the Moon, it may be assumed that
further discussion of the Moon will follow, making (C) "the Earth's natural
satellite-the Moon" the next probable paragraph. "People on planets" (A) and
"rings around Saturn" (D) are not mentioned, and (B) "the solar system as a
whole" is too unspecific.
9. (A) One definition of "harbor" is "support." (B) and (D) are not relevant.
Another meaning of harbor is as a body of water. That is not the correct
meaning in this case, as can be discerned by examining the context of the word
within the passage.
10. (C) The words in the last paragraph, "the planet's active geological
processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly
received soon after it formed," lead the reader to believe that Earth was hit by
meteors in some past time period. (A) "Earth never gets hit by meteors" is
directly opposite to this. (B) "Earth always gets hit by meteors" is probably
false, and (D) "Earth may be bombarded by meteors in the near future" is not
discussed in the passage.
11. (A) In this sentence, "eons" most nearly means "ages." The answer can be
obtained from the context of the sentence from which it was taken. "Since life
began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone." Neither choice
(B)-particles, choice (C)-animals, nor choice (D)-conditions fit within the
context of the sentence.
12. (C) The answer to this comes directly from the passage. "Man has
drained marshes burned prairies, damned and diverted rivers." The other
answer choices are also forms of habitat alteration, but they are natural
occurrences. The question asks specifically for what man does to habitats.
13. (B) This answer is taken directly from the reading. "Some of the more
recent casualties of man's expansion have been the dodo, great auk, passenger
pigeon, Irish elk and Stellar's sea cow." The other choices are all animals that
are currently on the endangered species list, but are not mentioned in the
14. (C) The last sentence of the passage describes the role of the Endangered
Species Program. This provides a logical transition to the achievements of the
program as mentioned in choice (C). Choices (A), (B), and (D) would all have
fit somewhere in the first paragraph.
15. (A) In this sentence, "attribute" is used as a verb. In this case it most
closely means "assign." Choice (B)-characteristic, is a definition of "attribute"
when it is used as noun, but in this case that is the wrong answer. The other
choices are just wrong.
16. (B) "Pro-wildlife" is the correct answer, since everything said favors the
protection of wildlife. Words such as "sadly" infer sympathy towards the
cause. (A) "nationalistic" is not discernible nor is (D) "feminist." (C) "anti-
wildlife" cannot be correct because of the use of "sadly" in connection with
certain wildlife due to human factors.
17. (B) "Changing animals' environments" is correct. (A) is incorrect because
the paragraph does not refer to members of religious orders whose articles of
clothing are called "habits." (C) "changing humans' environments" is not
correct because the word "habitat" does not usually apply to human
environments. (D) is not correct because the phrase does not apply to weather.
18. (A) The words "more recent threats by humans" implies that "Man is the
cause of some animal extinction." Animals are not mentioned as a cause (B).
Congress can only pass laws, not guarantee their success (C), and (D) "a law is
more important" is directly opposite to the truth.
19. (D) (A) "exploitation," (B) "pollution," and (C) "habitat alteration" are
all mentioned in the passage as reasons why many species are dying out. Only
Congressional law is mentioned as mandating protection.
20. (A) Choice (A) is mentioned as the primary objective of the U.S. Fish
and Wild-life Service's Endangered Species Program. While (B) "law
enforcement," (C) "education," and (D) "stopping pollution" are all methods of
protection, the main goal of the service is custodial care.
21. (B) This comes from the sentence, "Some people have only one such
psychotic episode; others have many episodes during a lifetime but lead
relatively normal lives during interim periods." In this sentence, "episode"
refers to an "experience." The other choices refer to help that a person having a
psychotic episode can receive.
22. (D) The answer to this question appears in the sentence, "These
symptoms may include hallucinations, incoherence, delusions, lack of
judgment, deterioration of the abilities to reason and feel emotion, and a lack
of interaction between the patient and his environment." Only choice (D)-
vertigo is not listed as a symptom. In fact, vertigo is a type of phobia that is
another mental illness.
23. (C) This is another direct content question. It only requires you to know
how many items were in a list. The answer is in the sentence, "The
hallucinations may be of a visual, auditory, or tactile variety." There are three
items listed as types of hallucinations.
24. (A) The answer for this question is found in the following sentence,
"Some people have only one such psychotic episode; others have many
episodes during a lifetime but lead relatively normal lives during interim
periods." The best choice is (A)-temporary. Choices (B) and (C) are the
opposite of the meaning of the sentence because the non-psychotic periods are
not long-term episodes. Choice (D) is also incorrect because the interim
periods are the times when things are real for the patient.
25. (A) The question tests your knowledge of vocabulary. From the content
of the sentence, you can guess that the answer is probably going to be one of
the senses. Unfortunately, all the answer choices are senses. The correct
answer is (A)-touch. The other three choices are incorrect
26. (C) The word "acute" in the first sentence is a clue that (C) "severe" is
the correct answer. The word "sudden" in the first sentence shows that (A)
"chronic" could not be correct. (B) "recurring" means "happening again" so it
is not correct. (D) "mild" is the opposite of the correct answer.
27. (D) This choice is correct as stated in the passage. (A) is wrong, as the
passage states that only chronic schizophrenics necessarily need medication.
(B) is incorrect, as nothing is said about dying. (C) is incorrect, since chronic
schizophrenics have employment problems.
28. (B) "Being out of touch with reality" is correct. (A) "medicine overdose"
is never discussed. (C) "recovering normal functioning" is the opposite of
thinking that one could fly and (D) "symptom control" refers to the absence of
symptoms; reality distortion is a symptom.
29. (D) "Drug-induced" is the only possibility not discussed so it is the
correct answer. (A) "debilitating," (B) "sudden," and (C) "occurring after a
long period of normalcy" are all given as possibilities.
30. (A) "Medicines" is the correct answer. (B) "neurotic episodes" are not
mentioned. (C) "psychotic episodes" are mentioned as abnormal, and (D)
"time," without treatment methods, will not permit a long-term normal life.
31. (B) "Distinctive" is the correct answer. According to the passage, stress
is unique and personal. It follows that the answer needed would be one that
was capable of describing stress. The other choices are not able to do that.
32. (B) According to the passage, "a busy executive who likes to keep
occupied all of the time, 'taking it easy' at the beach on a beautiful day may
feel extremely frustrating, nonproductive, and upsetting." The other choices
may be correct, but there is no indication of that from the passage.
33. (A) "Upset" is the correct answer. This word comes from the sentence,
"You may be emotionally distressed from 'doing nothing.'" When the word or
phrase is put into quotes within a passage, and the item in quotes is not
repeating what someone else wrote, then it usually means that the item in
quotes is not going to be used in the literal sense. In the case of this sentence,
you would think doing nothing would be relaxing, choice (C), but when taken
in the context of the previous sentence, it actually would be the opposite,
which is choice (A). Choices (B) and (D) do not fit into the context of the
34. (D) "Illnesses" is the correct choice. Ailments refer back to the list of
diseases in the previous sentence. Because "high blood pressure, ulcers, and
heart disease" are all health problems, choices (A), (B), and (C) are not the
best choices for the context.
35. (A) To answer this question, you will need to infer from the passage
which of the choices would be correct. There is no sentence which will give
you the answer. The passage talks about mental stress and emotional stress. It
also explains how each person feels differently about what causes stress. This
should lead to the conclusion that personality is the determinant. Choices (B)-
education and (C)-marital status both may cause stress and both are part of a
person's personality, but the best choice is (A) because it encompasses both
(B) and (C). Choice (D) is just wrong.
36. (B) The "Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration" is the
correct answer as stress falls under the category of mental health. (A) Federal
Bureau of Investigation, (C) Education Administration, or (D) Communicable
Disease Administration would not publish an article on this topic.
37. (C) Physical exercise is mentioned as a method to reduce stress, thus
making it manageable. (A) "optional" implies that we have a choice, which is
not true, since everyone experiences stress at some time. (B) "relaxing" may
help to relieve stress, but it does not define it. The words "it is unique and
personal to each of us" shows that (D) "the same for all people" is not correct.
38. (A) "Educational activity" is the only source of stress that is not
mentioned. (B)"physical activity," (C) "mental activity," and (D) "emotional
activity" are all mentioned.
39. (B) "Pregnancy" is the only condition not mentioned, so it is the correct
answer (A) "ulcers," (B) "heart disease," and (D) "high blood pressure" are all
40. (A) "Physical exercise" is mentioned as a stress
handler.(B)"tranquilizers" and(C) "drugs" are not mentioned. (D) "taking it
easy" is mentioned as actually couseing stress in some individuals.
41. (A) "Ratio" is the correct answer. A proportion is how much of each item
are in a combination. In the case of this passage, how much gold is mixed
with base metal. Proportion refers to the ratio of ingredients and not the actual
mix, so choice (B) is wrong. Choices (C) and (D) refer to other parts of the
42. (B) The answer to this question is simply being able to identify that 24K
translates to 24 parts gold. Choice (A) would be 204 parts, choice (C) would
be 2.4 parts, and choice (D) refers to the base metal content and not the gold.
43. (A) "Documented" is the correct response. To register an item, whether it
be a car or a name, means to have it legally documented with the proper
government agency. Choices (B), (C), and (D) are all verbs used within the
passage, but they do not refer to "registered."
44. (C) To "stand behind" a mark, means to pledge that what is stamped on
the gold is accurate. Although in this passage "stand behind" does not mean
"in back of," a phrase similar to "stand behind" is (C) "back up." Choices (A)
and (B) are phrases of position, which are not correct for the context of this
passage. Choice (D) refers to surrendering and also does not work in this
45. (D) "Sold" is the correct answer. To market an item means to put it up
for sale.The other choices given do not fit within the context of the sentence.
46. (C) The first sentence defines Karat as the proportion of gold mixed with
other metals. (A) "jeweler's appraisal" refers to the worth of the gold and other
metals. (B) "U.S. registered trademark" refers to a symbol announcing
authenticity. (D) "money value" is very unspecific and could refer to any item,
not necessarily gold.
47. (D) The sentence, "the lowest Karat gold that can be marketed in the
U.S. is 10 Karat" shows (D) to be the correct answer. (A) "represents the
highest grade of gold sold in the U.S." cannot be the answer as no "highest
grade" is given in the passage. (B) "cannot be sold in the U.S." is untrue
according to the passage. (C) "never carries a Karat quality mark" is not
correct; although some jewelry may be unmarked, not all of it is.
48. (B) The sentence, "If there is a Karat quality mark, next to it must be the
U.S. registered trademark of the person or the company that stands behind the
mark" shows (B) to be correct. (A) cannot be correct as there is no mention of
a national gold and silver stamp. (C) is not correct, as only the person or
company is required to be stamped. (D) is not correct because the measure is
in Karats and not in percentages.
49. (A) A 14K mark is defined in the second sentence. "If 14 parts of gold
are mixed with 10 parts of base metal, the combination is called 14 Karat
(14K) gold." (B) "a 10K mark" refers to 10 parts of gold. (C) "an 18K mark"
refers to 18 parts of gold. (D) "a platinum mark" is not discussed in the
50. (A) "Important buying information" is the correct answer, as a consumer
educated about gold marking is a more skilled gold buyer. (B) "a challenge to
buy more gold," (C) "a debate over gold prices," and (D) "advice about buying
silver" are never mentioned.
51. (C) "Lessen" is the correct response. To reduce an item means to
decrease it. Choices (A)-increase, (B)-maximize, and (D)-build up are all the
opposite of the context of the sentence. The students did not need to have their
anxiety increased, but decreased.
52. (D) The first sentence of the second paragraph says that beta blockers
have been around for approximately 25 years. Simple subtraction from the
current year puts the approximate date at choice (D)-1970. The other choices
are too far in the past to be correct.
53. (D) The first sentence of the second paragraph says, "Beta blockers are
prescription drugs which have been around for 25 years." If a drug is obtained
through a prescription, then it can only be obtained from a doctor. Therefore,
choice (D)-doctor's office is correct. The other choices do not involve doctors,
therefore, they are incorrect.
54. (A) "Hinder" is the correct response. To interfere is to prevent something
from doing what it is doing or expected to do. Choice (B)-aid and (C)-help are
opposites of what is intended of the sentence. Choice (D) is incorrect in this
55. (B) The answer to this question is lifted directly from the reading.
"Since there can be side effects from these beta blockers, physicians are not
ready to prescribe them routinely for all test-takers." Choice (A) is not
mentioned in the passage. Choice (C) is accurate in describing the drug, but is
not the answer to the question. Choice (D) is the opposite effect of what the
drug does.
56. (D) "Not those who do not know the material" implies that beta blockers
will only work with test-takers who know the material. The last sentence
implies that (A) "all people" and (B) "are not widely prescribed" are not
correct. The second sentence of the second paragraph, "have been used for
heart conditions..." shows that (C) "work only on test anxiety" is not correct.
57. (B) Improvements are noted in both groups, indicating all people were
retested whether or not they took the beta blockers. (A) "without beta
blockers" and (C) "testing and then giving beta blockers" are incorrect. (D)
"without retesting" is incorrect.
58. (B) Pain relief is the only one not discussed. All other answers (A) "test
anxiety (C) "minor stress," and (D) "heart conditions" were discussed.
59. (B) "Interfere with the effects of adrenalin" is mentioned in the second
sentence of the second paragraph. (A), (C), and (D) are not presented or
explained fully.
60. (D) The passage states that the beta blocker group had significant
improvement in their test scores. It also states that the non-beta blocker group
showed only a slight improvement, which was similar to the nationwide
average for second-time test-takers. From this it can be determined that the
beta blockers "increased scores much more than the nationwide average."
Choices (A), (B), and (C) are incorrect.

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