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Structureand written expression. Test 3.

1. __________must pay the admission fee.
(A) Everyone who doesn't have a free ticket
(B) No one who doesn't have a free ticket
(C) No one who has free tickets
(D) Anyone who has free tickets
2. When I last saw them, the police __________ the robbers downColumbus Street.
(A) were chasing
(B) was chasing
(C) chased
(D) were on a chase
3. Erosion __________, but it constantly changes the features onthe surface of the earth.
(A) which is a slow process
(B) although a slow process
(C) being a slow process
(D) is a slow process
4. When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, itbecomes a fossil,
__________ turning into evidence of things that once lived.
(A) thereby
(B) as a result of
(C) so
(D) in the end
5. The pictures of the Loch Ness Monster show a remarkableresemblance to a plesiosaur,
a large water reptile of the Mesozoic era __________ to beextinct for more than 70 million
(A) presumably
(B) presumed
(C) presumptuous
(D) is presumed
6. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are perhaps 200billion stars, __________
probably have planets on which life is feasible.
(A) a small fraction in which
(B) a small fraction of which
(C) a small fraction which
(D) which a fraction of
7. __________ John F. Kennedy requested sweeping civil rightslegislation from
Congress and successfully managed the Cuban missile crisis in1962.
(A) He was the youngest man ever elected president,
(B) The youngest man ever elected president,
(C) Because he was the youngest man ever elected president,
(D) The youngest man ever elected president he was,
8. __________, Parliament passed a series of new acts, or laws,for the colonies.
(A) About 1764 and 1773
(B) On 1764 and 1773
(C) Between 1764 and 1773
(D) Before 1764 and 1773
9. He is __________, if not taller, than his uncle.
(A) tall
(B) as tall
(C) as tall as
(D) the tallest
10. The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown __________ thelion tamer's heart.
(A) broke away
(B) broke down
(C) broke
(D) broken down
11. His heavy drinking___________ makes him a poor role model
(A) and the fact that he gambles
(B) and that he gambles
(C) and he gambles which
(D) and gambling
12. Depression that inflicts people who become conscious of thelack of content in, their
lives when the rush of the busy week stops __________ as SundayNeurosis.
(A) has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist
(B) has been referred to as by a prominent psychiatrist
(C) a prominent psychiatrist has referred to it
(D) it has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist
13. Just as there are occupations that require college degrees._________occupations for
which technical training is necessary.
(A) so to there are
(B) so also there are
(C) so there are
(D) so too are there
14. Most of the older civilizations which flourished during thefifth century B.C.
(A) they have died out
(B) has died out
(C) have died out
(D) they had died out
15. The student asked her professor if he would have gone on thespace ship_______
(A) if he knew
(B) if he knows
(C) he had known
(D) had he known
16. Even after having ~their~ grandchildren ~live~ with them forten years, the couple felt
that ~rising~ children these days ~was~ the most difficult of allfamily matters.
17. The most important ~cash crop~ of the farmers in Iraq ~is~dates, ~which~ Iraq is the
world's ~leading~ exporter.
18. ~More~ has been learned about the Moon ~that~ any other ofthe Earth's neighbors in
space because of the Apollo program, which ~enabled~ men to walkon the Moon and bring
back ~hundreds~ of pounds of rocks.
19. ~Despite~ the variety that ~the average~ family has ~in~ meat,fish, poultry, and
vegetarian recipes, ~they find~ most meals unexciting.
20. The speaker ought ~not have criticized ~the paraprofessionals,~knowing~ fully well
that they were seated ~in~ ~the audience~.
21. ~Although~ there are 48 sounds in the ~spoken~ Englishlanguage, there are 26 letters
~only~ to express these sounds ~in the~ written language.
22. Iceland ~has~ the oldest parliament, which goes as far back ~to~930 A.D. when
"Althing," ~the~ legislative assembly, ~was~established.
23. The young woman ~often wondered~ where ~at~ ~the~ estuary ~didthe~ river formed
little rivulets.
24. The only problem ~with~ the debate last week was that it ~hadbeginning~ to sound
more ~like~ a personal attack ~than~ a dispassionate,intellectual argument.
25. Susan Jones was ~at~ the bus stop well ~on~ time to ~catch~the 7:01 bus. but had to
miss her breakfast to do ~it.~
26. ~As~ her father could not ~drive~ her to the airport, sherequested her uncle ~take her~
instead ~of her father~.
27. Plays ~that~ stress ~the~ illogical or irrational aspects ofexperience usually ~to show~
the pointlessness of ~modern life.~
28. ~A~ famous collection of Persian, Indian, and Arabianfolktales, the Arabian Nights
it was~ supposedly told by ~the legendary~ queen Scheherazade toher husband ~every night~
for 1001 days.
29. What ~may~ the oldest fossil foot print ~yet found~ wasdiscovered ~in ~June 1968
by William J. Meister, an amateur ~fossil collector~.
30. Most of us think of ~sharks as danger, due to a lack of~information rather than
31. When ionizing radiation penetrates ~living tissue,~ it wreakshavoc on the atoms and
molecules ~in~ its path, ~setting off~ a chain of events that candestroy living cells, or make
them function ~abnormal~
32. Numerous differences in skeletons and musculaturedistinguish ~the~ two groups,
along~ the fact that loons, ~unlike~ waterfowl, cannot walk wellon land.
33. Most women have the capacity ~of bearing~ children ~evenafter the age of 30, but
doctors ~advise~ them to have children ~sooner~.
34. The discovery ~of~ the connection ~between~ aspirin and Reyessyndrome, rare and
deadly disease, is a recent example of the caution ~which~drugs. must be used, even for
medical purposes.
35. My parents moved out ~of their old home ~sometimes~ lastyear after they ~had celebrated~
their fiftieth anniversary there.
36. The library she worked in borrowed books, magazines,audio cassettes and maps
to its patrons, ~who~ could keep them for four weeks.
37. The most common question ~that~ people ~ask~ a fiction writeris whether ~or not~
has he experienced what he has written about.
38. At the World Literacy Center, ~an~ organization that worksto help people read, the
volunteers work ~hardly,~ ~enabling~ them to successfully reachtheir goals.
39. The officers made it clear that they were ~leaving~ her goonly on the grounds
that she was old and not because she was above suspicion.
40. The book, which is a useful guide for today's young people,is dealing with many
questions and problems that confront them at school and athome as well as in society.

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