GMAT online tests
Дата: 26/02/2009
Тема: Подготовка к тестам

So, you decided to take the test...
I have both sections here,which are the same as in real GMAT, but they score only percentage of correct answers, so if your score is 2% it does not mean top-2%.



So, you decided to take the test...
I have both sections here,which are the same as in real GMAT, but they score only percentage of correct answers, so if your score is 2% it does not mean top-2%.

Another Math is different, 80 questions, so it will take you more than 75 min to solve all of them.

About author. I received MBA from Case Western and work in consulting. This site is my hobby, and I did my best to make the test. Good luck.

Verbal section

Math section

Only Math - 80 questions

Это статья Образование на Куличках

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