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Noun may be compared for exact or general SIMILARITY or DIFFERENCE. They may be also compared for similar or different QUALITIES or DEGREES, more or less, or specific qualities. In addition, they may be compared to ESTIMATES.


91. Exact similarity - "the same as" and "the same".

"The same as" is used between two nouns compared, and "the same" is used after the two nouns or after a plural noun.

 A is the same as B.

This hat is the same as that one.

A and B are the same.

This hat and that one are the same.

  Don't use "to" and "like" instead of "as"; Don't use "the same" between two nouns compared.


92. General similarity - "similar to" and "similar". "similar to" is used between two nouns compared, and "similar" is used after the two nouns or after a plural noun.

 A is similar to B.

This hat is similar to that one.

 A and B are similar.

This hat and that one are similar.

noun(plural) are similar.

These hats are similar.

Don't use "as" instead of "to"; Don't use "similar to" after the two nouns compared or a plural noun.


93. General similarity - "like" and "alike".

"Like" acts as a preposition; it is used between two nouns compared, and "alike" is used after the two nouns or after a plural noun.

 A is like B.

This hat is like that one.

 A and B are alike.

This hat and that one are alike.

noun(plural) are alike.

These hats are alike.

  Don't use "as" instead of "like"; Don't use "like" after the two nouns compared.


94. Specific similarity - "the same" + quality nouns.

Comparison of a specific characteristic: A is the same noun(quality) as B. This hat is the same color as that one.

 Quality nouns are such as:

Age, price, color, size, height, style, length, weight, 

Don't use "to", "than", or "like" instead of "as"; Don't use a quality adjective instead of a quality noun.


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